
Open Plot File

Create a Batch File for Plot Spooling. Plot files are meant to be used with spooling software or to be given to a service bureau for output. A simple batch file can be used to output PLT files. Open a text editor and save a batch file to a folder where you save your PLT files. Rgdal and sf have confusing ways of accessing different file and database types (e.g. For a GPX file, the dsn is the filename, and layers the individual components such as waypoints, trackpoints, etc), and careful reading of online examples is needed.

  1. Open Plot Loans


How to install plot style files (CTB and STB) into AutoCAD.


To open the folder where AutoCAD is looking for plot style files, on the command line in the program, type STYLESMANAGER. All CTB and STB files can be copied here. Keep in mind also that AutoCAD is able to access a plot style file if it is in the same folder as the drawing which uses it.
The default folder locations for plot style files are as follows:
Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista:
C:Users&ltuser&gtAppDataRoamingAutodeskAutoCAD 20xxRxx.x&ltlanguage&gtPlottersPlot Styles
Windows XP:
C:Documents and Settings&ltuser&gtApplication DataAutodeskAutoCAD 20xxRxx.x&ltlanguage&gtPlottersPlot Styles
Mac OS:
/Users/&ltuser&gt/Library/Application Support/Autodesk/AutoCAD version Standalone/Rxx.x/roaming/@&ltlanguage&gt@/Plotters/Plot Styles​
These paths can be found within the Options or Preferences of AutoCAD, Windows and Mac OS respectively.

Note: These paths can be edited to a network location for accessing a centralized folder location for plot style files.


AutoCAD for Mac; AutoCAD LT for Mac; AutoCAD Products;

I'm a complete newbie to R, and none of the introductions I've seen cover how to use R when all you've got is the command line and no windowing system. My data's on a server, and I'm working with it via ssh. In gnuplot, you can set your 'display' to be a PNG file on disk. How do I plot something to a file on disk from R? R-2.9.1 on CentOS, if it matters. Thanks!

(Sorry if this is unusually basic, but I have the worst time Googling for quick answers with R. Cute name, impossible to search for.)

Jenn D.Jenn D.

migrated from superuser.comJul 28 '10 at 15:15

This question came from our site for computer enthusiasts and power users.

4 Answers

Keep in mind that postscrpt(), pdf(), png(), and jpeg() have specific function parameters which can be used to customize the output.

Open Plot File

For example:

check ?postscriptfor more information on the parameters that can be utilized.

Secondly, keep in mind that all commands that you want to be included in your saved plot should be executed prior to

Open Plot Loans

For example:

Another example:

Hope that helps.


Just to expand on Gnoupi answer, you also need to close the connection to the device with if you want the plot to be written to file.

For instance


From their documentation, it seems you have to use device drivers:

R can generate graphics (of varying levels of quality) on almost any type of display or printing device. Before this can begin, however, R needs to be informed what type of device it is dealing with. This is done by starting a device driver. The purpose of a device driver is to convert graphical instructions from R (“draw a line,” for example) into a form that the particular device can understand.


  • postscript() - For printing on PostScript printers, or creating PostScript graphics files.
  • pdf() - Produces a PDF file, which can also be included into PDF files.
  • png() - Produces a bitmap PNG file. (Not always available: see its help page.)
  • jpeg() - Produces a bitmap JPEG file, best used for image plots. (Not always available: see its help page.)
How can i open plot file

If your connection to the server is fast enough, you could try X11 forwarding through your ssh connection - basically the server will plot to a window on your local screen, quite useful!

Aaron StathamAaron Statham

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