
Boyka Undisputed Movie

Finally -- Adkins finds his inner Stallone

In the fourth installment of the fighting franchise, Boyka is shooting for the big leagues when an accidental death in the ring makes him question everything he stands for. When he finds out the wife of the man he accidentally killed is in trouble, Boyka offers to fight in a series of impossible battles to free her from a life of servitude.

Martyn Ford

A_Different_Drummer9 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Reviewers Notes:
1. If you arrived at this franchise late, you would be forgiven for feeling a little lost. But if you have seen the others, this new instalment is surprisingly satisfying.
2. For newbies, the original 'Undisputed' (which starred A-listers) took an unexpected turn. Not uncommon for film franchises these days, later attempts to keep the franchise going involved smaller budgets and lesser-known stars. But here UNDISPUTED got lucky. A younger Scott Adkins found his ideal role in Yuri Boyka (much like Stallone found Rocky) and gave new life to UNDISPUTED in two back-to-back segments.
3. At that point, things get a little murky. For reasons that are not entirely clear to this reviewer, there was a long gap between the last instalment and this one. During that time, Adkins handlers gave him a series of odd B-movie parts, some of which (heavy sigh) were purely dramatic and had no fight sequences at all. The closest thing to a good MMA movie that Adkins did recently was NINJA SHADOW OF A TEAR. However, as the IMDb rating for that movie shows, it was still not in the class of UNDISPUTED.
4. AND HE'S BACK! Boy, nobody does Boyka like Adkins! Plus someone actually opened their wallets and spent some cash bringing this one to the screen. You have enough 'producers' in the credits to start a football squad. David White, who penned the last two Boykas (also the sloppier SHADOW OF A TEAR) had help in developing the story from Boaz Davidson, a writer with a few dozen action hits under his belt. Interestingly (!) Davidson worked with Stallone on the Expendables franchise. Director Todor Chapkanov is new to the franchise but acquits himself well as an action director.
5. The narrative backbone of the story is a bit soppy -- this one could have been subtitled 'Boyka Gets Religion' -- but thankfully it is used mainly as a plot device to keep the fight scenes coming.
6. There is a scene at the 40:00 minute mark where Boyka is training and another fighter tries to 'claim' his punching bag. It is a short sequence but memorable.
7. Also clever is the way the film ends with Boyka back in prison. For most characters that would be a negative. But, and you will see this if you watch the series in order, Boyka THRIVES in prison! Is there a Boyka 5 coming? We can only hope.
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Fight movie with a heart.
xzing-150310 April 2017
Boyka Undisputed was worth the wait. Unlike many fight movies this movie have a heart. This is one of the best fight movie of the decade and the best of the year, which had movies like Kickboxer: Vengeance which was an utter disappointment.
Moreover the character of Boyka has been molded so wonderfully that you can feel the pain of the character when he tries to smile and feel his rage in silence.
Scott Adkins has done an a wonderful job and Boyka is a piece of art. The best part is this isn't just a Fight movie.. Every now and then there, when you are unprepared and unguarded this movie hits you in such soft parts that you might tear up too.
Nobody ever thought that Undisputed would later create an antagonist named 'Boyka' who would be loved so much that his name would come before the name of the actual movie i.e UNDISPUTED.
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Fans of the series n martial arts will not be disappointed. 10/10. Haters go watch Oscar nominated movies.
Fella_shibby11 April 2017
After the events of Undisputed redemption n after fleeing from Russia, Boyka has found religion. He still fights in the rings n he donates most of the profits to the church. He has spent a lot of money to repair his broken knee but events force him to travel back to Russia where he is a wanted convict. This movie is for the fans of the series n fans of Boyka aka Adkins. Martial arts fans will not be disappointed. The fight sequences are frequent and never, ever become tiresome. Scott Adkins once again got into the skin of the character, Boyka. The villain, Martyn ford is an intimidating one with height of 6.8 n weight of 320 lbs. Truly an indomitable n an invincible one. The plot was a bit lame. The mafia boss who owns the town n he has his eye on a young n beautiful widow who is in debt. But who cares. We look forward for this franchise for the ring fights n boy what an awesome fight choreography we get to see in this 4th installment. Isaac Florentine who directed the terrific Undisputed 2 n 3 n Savate didn't direct this one. Inspite of the micro budget, this movie rocks. Saw this on a pirated DVD for 50 rs.
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Bring Me Your F#ing Champion: Undisputed Delivers A Grand Slam!
Dark_Lord_Mark8 April 2017
First I am a real reviewer and a big fan of 80's action movies.
Now the plot is easy to follow. Boyka is back, commits an atrocity and needs to fix what he has done to redeem himself. That is all you need to know. The movie does have some heart during his redemption. A lot of flash, but also moments where you feel for Boyka and his journey.
I do not know the director's work prior to watching this, but he did a great job of filming action scenes. A lot of movies break the action up by changing the camera angles. This movie tones that down and lets you watch the action taking place.
I miss the days of real action movies. I will sound repetitive but this movie has lots of action, fights, fast moving plot and great choreography.
B-Movie or not, the movie is a 9.5. I am a fan of the Undisputed series. Scott Adkins is excellent and the bad guys are bad, and the good guys(Adkins) aren't perfect. The movie has heart and has a great pace. It's not slow, and is very entertaining throughout. One of the best modern fighting movies and dare I say the best fighting franchise if that is a genre. A must watch is my opinion.
Yuri Boyka Says Bring Me Your F#ing Champion.
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Good addition to franchise but not great
jantesjhony9 April 2017
No spoilers I love the Undisputed Series and I decided to make an account for the first time for the new one. I must say is a good addition but not as great as 2 and 3. There are good fight scenes but it lacked the intensity and emotion of what made the series. Scott Adkins was made for Boyka and they should make one more to finish the franchise with maybe MJW rematch. My vote 7/10 for the fight scenes but dull plot and cause Boyka is great!!!
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Almost exactly as expected
raymongracie9 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I'm pretty sure that no one was watching undisputed 2 and 3 for the plot, it just provides the scaffolding for the fights. Undisputed 4 is the same, though some could argue that there's too much plot. Nevertheless, there's ample fighting and Adkin's throws in some of the lines that we've all come to love from Boyka as well as the moves.
If you're not into fighting movies then this should obviously be a movie that you shouldn't be watching. For people who are, we generally don't mind the 'plot scaffolding' they throw around the movie as long as the fights are good and they are. My only slight complaint if you could call it that is that Boyka is a more remorseful character in this film and IMHO Adkin's kills the role more when he's just the badass who cares about nothing else excepting being 'the most complete fighter in the world.'
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Awesome fight movie
fournier_sir10 April 2017
Just want to start off by saying that I love all of the Undisputed movies. Usually by the third installment, a movie just fizzles out but now this one. The fight scenes get my adrenaline pumping and best of all, there's not a million action sequence cuts (I think movies get carried away with this nowadays), just Adkins showing off his true talent. I don't want to ruin anything, but I think it's a great movie and I've watched it twice already!:)
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The legend continued
phanthinga11 April 2017
Boyka: Undisputed IV (2016) is the latest installment of the long running Undisputed series with Scott Adkins back again as Yuri Boyka the most complete fighter in the world.Despie being the fourth in the series this movie not let me down when it not only still continue the glory tradition of the previous parts but also help it to became the most underrated action franchise in the world.After escaping the prison Boyka now a free man tried to hold back his violent personality while showcase his talent to the world but bad luck start happen one again so now he not only has to fight for his life but also fight for what he think is right and wrong.The fight choreography in this movie is as good as ever when each fighter has a chance to show of their skill including Boyka with his infamous flying kick that make my blood boil every time.The thing make me surprise the most is how much emotion Scott pour in Boyka character through his action and journey.Some people may complain about how out the place the romance element or the ending is but when you look back the whole Undisputed series you will realize it a perfect circle life of a convict man
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Not as good as the last two.
kjjames819 April 2017
I am a big fan of these movies but I had a bit of apprehension as the same director wasn't doing this movie but I thought I would still watch it. I was shocked to see an eight vote out of ten when the movie hasn't even come out, but we all know about fake votes just to get people to watch a film. As with a lot of cheaply made films, the main bad guy, Martin Ford in this case, is given no lines, unlike the previous two films. Your typical cheap movie bad guy, grunts and groans his scenes through. Also unlike the past two movies, Martin Ford is not a fighter, yes a big guy who looks scary but his fight scenes then suffer as he is given dreadful techniques to do in the fights. Scott does what he does best as with the rest of the movies and this will just be another stepping block for him. He's good but in this it feels as if it is another film that will not take into the big league which is a shame. Will they make another one, yes as these are his best films to date, his style of fighting suits these movies, so we will all wait for the next one and let's just hope they learn from their mistakes. There are plenty of martial artists out there that can do a good job of being a bad guy. The ending of this movie feels a little pushed as they didn't know what to do with the character. My score is a forced six as I am a fan of the movies, but most people would give it an honest five.
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Very good fight movie
I-theDamnedThing-I12 April 2017
Scott Adkins is still at the top of his game. None of the fights really stand up to the final fight from part III but they are all solid. In general I think the fights are a little less electrifying than the ones from the previous two installments, but very good and entertaining, if not great. Martyn Ford is a good final boss and of all the really big bad guys in martial arts movies is definitely one of the scarier looking. Very streamlined and focused, the plot is a vehicle to move us from one fight to the next and to demonstrate Boyka's progression as a character. Boyka has a coherent character arch and Scott Adkins performance is quite good even when he's not kicking the s*** out of people. Hoping for a part V.
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fantastic movie maybe the best martial art movie
bouhanamarc10 April 2017
my heart was bumping so much from the beginning until the end for the first time all the fights are filmed from far away so we can see everything and there are a lot of them, a lot! the screenplay is very good for this kind of movie we like the character and we plung in it so well scott adkins is really the best of the best and this movie from me of course is the best martial art movie i have never seen and i saw all the van damme, seagal, jet li, tony jaa and everything about martial arts i want to see this again and again and i will not be disappointing viva undisputed 4 the best of the best movie and viva scott adkins don't believe all the bad reviews i don't know why some people can critic this movie pffffffff !!!!non sense !!!!
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Nice fights and laughable acting!
egelund-660895 August 2017
This B-movie got some nice fights and like other martial arts movies there is terrible acting and story line going on as tradition is in these all out testosteron flicks.
But actually it almost becomes a comedy when the actors speak, i had some good laughs.
My expectations weren't high so i wasn't disappointed and enjoyed watching the movie.
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Boyka undisputed movie on torrent So much potential, waited half a year to see it, and :(((
jadeb-738719 May 2017
Warning: Spoilers
As a preface, the 3rd one is one of my favorite movies of all time. Yuri Boyka is such a nicely done character, and Adkins has done a great job making him memorable.
This installment, however has been BAMBOOZLED by the director, half the time I sat there thinking what the hell they were even doing. There's so much clutter, the villain is the most stereotypical geyser I have ever seen. And its hard to feel intense during the fight scenes because Boyka literally overcomes everything to the point of absurdity.
The point where I was probably most detached: After breaking his back in a 2 vs 1 and winning, he gets his back smashed in again by an undefeated fighter. He then gets up and easily wins, then RIGHT AWAY fights martyn ford (bane looking guy). Beats him, then THE TWIST HAPPENS!!!! The evil Russian rich guy doesn't follow up on his promise!! So two guys with baseball bats hit Yuri about 20 times, and he gets up and knocks them out. Then he takes a couple of bullets and kills the rich bad guy, and back to Ruskie jail for our boy.
So he breaks his arms and legs, gets beaten by baseball bats, gets shot a few times, and then keeps winning against all odds like nothing happened. At what point do you stop and wonder if Boyka is ever in actual danger? The 3rd movie did a really great job in this regard, by showing other fighters and actually being subtle in delivering emotion and conflict.
The ending was the worst part for me, all the other ones in the series were so satisfying. The whole point was to see Yuri go BIG and take on the best of the best, the movie teased you with his ambition since the start. Everything else was just a buildup to that, and right in the last few moments of the film, it ruins it. He goes back to jail, fighting and easily winning against random people. Wheres the satisfaction? where is the dream?
As for the main plot, its..not the best: Boyka unintentionally kills guy during qualifier fight for championship (his dream); feels bad and finds guy's wife to get her forgiveness; decides to repay her debt by fighting for a rich asshole; the rich asshole is a cheater but Boyka prevails and kills him; Boyka gets sent to jail; he gets the woman's forgiveness.
There was so much buildup to this movie, yet practically no resolution. I'm sure that my opinion isn't unique here, not even among fellow fans of the series. Maybe there will be a 5th one? I doubt it, but there is no closure here as it stands.
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Below Average
ayoobalsharif8 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
This a very typical (Boyka is almost dead, then remembers than he shouldn't lose and wake up and beats the S out of everyone). The title says it all. No creativity, nothing special. In fact, the scenes of blood and fights are much worse than the earlier movies in the series. I gave it 5 only for effort made by the actors because I know these scenes are not easy to create, but the story is terrible.
The worst part was that Boyka went to prison at the end, which means be ready for Undisputed 5 of the same BS.
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I wanted to like it so much, but I couldn't
dreamwalk198610 April 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I was waiting so long for this film, undisputed 2 and 3 where amazing - among the best martial arts movies out there, but this well.. sucked and I'll explain why.
I believe the director and a lot of other people involved in the other films where absent here, and it really shows. But let's talk about what made undisputed 2 and 3 good. For me, at first it's the dark gritty atmosphere and good characters. Boyka was a true product of his environment and the fight scenes where hard hitting with impact and (especially undisputed 2 which I think is the best) has an element of realism to it.
OK just to be clear, while I had realistic expectations for this; me and the woman was waiting ages and looking forward to it, only to be sat at the end both saying 'the other ones where much better' and here's why:
Boyka is too nice! I get that he's a changed man etc, but it's to the point it feels really artificial, and overly emphasized on God. Also, there is a lot more talking for him in this role and nothing against Scott Adkins but all you're reminded of is that his accent is all over the place, and that (even though he's clearly tried and fair play to him) but he's just not a very good actor. You didn't notice this in the other ones as he didn't speak that much or show/try to show any emotion. He looks good though, he's clearly beefed up for this role and had dedication to it but that's not enough.
OK fight scenes. Boyka pulls off some cool moves, the best fights are with the two brothers and guy with blonde line through his hair, the rest where 'meh' at best. The worst, OMG, the WORST thing they could have done was to bring Martyn Ford (the big steroid guy, who makes Scott Adkins look like Al Pacino in the acting sense) on board. The guy is just a big red steroid lump, who clearly can't fight or hit with any speed to save his life. And he has a bane/Hannibal style face mask on!!??!?! which is just laughable. Honestly me and the missus where in tears laughing every time he was on screen. Note to film makers, just because someone is big and may, in theory look cool, does NOT mean you should cast them in the movies, Arnold was a one off, remember that.
In summary (and not because they weren't in prison) it didn't feel in any way like an undisputed film, bad story, mediocre acting at best, OK fight scenes (some good) and some bad writing/directing makes this a flop and big disappointment which is a shame because I am a huge fan of the series. This could have been so much more, it really could, but unfortunately not enough elements where in tune with each other.
I do hope this isn't the last of the series, but if you do make another, do it properly otherwise it will be buried for good.
As of writing this, the review score is 8.4/10 on IMDb which is clearly fake, don't believe it the ratings will come down soon and more GENUINE people vote.
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Boyka Undisputed Movie The worst in the series
arch-sajaja9 April 2017
2 stars are just for the good fighting scenes, the plot is terribly awful. the movie was not just another undisputed movie, i hope it was, it was like an Indian movie where the protagonist does heroic unbelievable actions. I was a fan for this series since the first part, but not anymore.
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what the hell did i watch ?!!!
badreddineettoumi11 April 2017
OK!! the fighting scenes were good, but they were not as good as the previous movies, other than that everything is pathetic and a real waste of time, the plot is really bad and really predictable, the acting is mediocre, it's even silly how bad it was.I think i'm just gonna say it, this movie is worse than DBZ Evo.
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Just a bad fighting movie
d-spaan8 April 2017
A fighting film which takes place in Ukraine but all the actors speak English with a Russian accent. The storyline is about a fighter who accidentally kills his opponent in the ring and then the rest of the film is about him trying to get forgiveness from that fighters widow and rescuing her from a mobster. Very boring.
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Predictable movie, fights and unbelievable rating.
tomekwsrod10 April 2017
The movie is predictable. There is no plot that would be really engaging or fun. One may argue that such movies are not for the plot but for the fighting sequences. However, if you have seen previous parts, the fights are boring because the moves are repetitive . The rating above 8 at the moment of writing the review is unbelievable. Read the reviews before watching. I don't recommend it.
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Another Great Action movie by Adkins!
jhkeilman26 April 2018
Scott Adkins never dissapoints in his action packed movies. All his Boyka movies are great!
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You either die as awesome bad guy or live long enough to become boring good guy
tyravittunahhui9 April 2017
It was like watching a dance show, boring as hell. They like built this choreography you to watch and then they were:'Hey, lets add here a dialog so we could call this a movie'. This fight choreography was pretty awesome on 2nd movie, because it was new, but now we have already seen it enough and it has become boring. Biggest let down was the Boyka character. He was like this mean fighting bad#ss, but now he has become a a Christian ballerina.
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I really don't like this film
ivo-cobra815 August 2017
Warning: Spoilers
I really don't like this film I love Scott Adkins and Undisputed 2 and 3 were the best films in my opinion. This movie to me fails haven't we see in other kickboxing movies in which a kickboxer takes another life and he mourns for it yes we did. I saw it in Bloodfist II, Desert Kickboxer and I think was also in Deadly Bet with Jeff Wincott.
So Boyka kills hiss opponent by accident and he feels remorse so he wants redemption again and he find's out the wife of his opponent is in debt with local mafia in Russia and he decides to fight to set her free.
Haven't I see that before the plot yes I did it was in Gladiator 1992 with James Marshall and Deadly Bet in 1991. In Gladiator James Marsahall's dad was owning a mob collectors a lot of money and Tommy (James Marshall) has to fight for money in the boxing ring to set him free. In deadly Bet Jeff Wincott is a gambler in Las Vegas after his last fight he loses his wife, respect and money and then he trains and goes against his opponent to set his wife free.
So yea this movie steals ideas and scenes from this movies he stole it from Bloodfist II, Desert Kickboxer, Gladiator (1992) and Deadly Bet. That is why I don't like it cause it is not original.
This movie has not the director Isaac Florentine in it from Undisputed II and III who were great absolutely amazing movies, this movie to me fails. Todor Chapkanov is the worst director and I really didn't care about Boyka and his self pitting retarded.
The villains were not likable like they were in the last two movies and Scott Adkins didn't you do the same thing when you killed a kickboxer in the tournament oh yes you did in Hard Target 2 why can't you be original?!
The only thing i liked in this movie is the good fighting scenes. The music score was terrible, the plot the actors everything fails flat. There was not any good music score in this movie at all like the last two good films had.
This movie to me is overrated trash and it is not good in my opinion.
Lionheart with Van Damme is much way better movie in my opinion than this crap!
Score F 1/10 I don't care about this movie I love 2 and 3 to death I don't like this one.
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It's bad.

Boyka Latest Movie

d-4424927 July 2017
I'm still a bit puzzled by the rating at the top of the page. That rating was the reason I decided to watch the movie in the first place. Sadly the movie was even worse than the previous ones. The sounds of the chanting crowd is edited in so bad, it made me cringe. Punches and kicks are missed by a mile, but still sound like bone shattering hits.
I should have known better, but I got fooled once again by an IMDb rating that seems to be affected by people who have something to do with producing the movie, or haven't watched it themselves. There's no way a production like this should get the high ratings and positive reviews it does.
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Action or emotion ? both are perfect
AlirezaBarooti27 May 2019
Standard movie and Ultra-professional in combine emotion, Action, drama and excitment :x Young and old, men and women can communicates with the film.
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As far as the fights go, we can see all the moves and there isn't all that fast cutting that can be found in many DTV Punchfighters.
tarbosh2200010 March 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Boyka (Adkins) returns after a six-year absence in this fourth installment in the Undisputed series. At this point in his life, Boyka has found religion and he spends his time and money at the local church. However, he still lives to fight. This causes tension between not just Boyka and his friend, the Priest (Mihailov), but within himself as well. When Boyka's agent informs him of a big tournament in Budapest that all his fans, and the media, are waiting for, Boyka senses this will be a big opportunity for himself, so he gets all hyped up. So much so that he accidentally kills his opponent in the ring in the qualifying match for the big show.
With his conscience weighing on him, he makes a dangerous and illegal journey from the Ukraine to Russia to meet his now-deceased opponent's widow, Alma (Duhovnikova). He tries to tell her how sorry he is, and he attempts to give her his fight winnings, but it's tough going for them both. The sad part is, Alma needs the money. She's deeply in debt to local crime boss Zourab (Aboutboul) because she used his money to build a community center where all the children go. She can't escape because then she'd be letting the children down. She's slowly working off her debt to the unscrupulous baddie by waitressing at the club where, of course, there are fight tournaments.
Boyka approaches Zourab and offers to fight in the tournaments to pay down Alma's debt for her. All the while, the pressure is on because he has to get to Budapest for his big chance. But first he has to get past terrifying man-mountain Koshmar (Ford). Now that Boyka has found redemption with the Lord, will he find redemption with Alma?
With Undisputed IV, we have a bunch of winning elements that all come together. Firstly, and most importantly, we have the great Scott Adkins putting in a terrific performance as Boyka. There is perhaps no other actor working today that could have done what Adkins does here. He has a great Ukrainian accent, his fighting skills are in top form, and there's plenty of emotion as well. It's rare that one person can embody both the impressive physicality and the inner feelings Adkins does here. It's extremely well done. Then we have the other actors backing him up, who also put in fine performances, we have the plot, which allows for not just bone-crunching action but also the aforementioned emotion, and of course the fights themselves, which are very well-executed.
As far as the fights go, we can see all the moves and there isn't all that fast cutting that can be found in many DTV Punchfighters. With Adkins, that sort of stuff isn't needed - and, in fact, hinders what you can really see him do - and thankfully the filmmakers realized that this time around. A rather strange and unnecessary zoom effect is used in fight scenes and dialogue scenes alike, but it apparently isn't used to hide anything, instead it seems to be a stylistic choice. Besides not being needed, it marked this out as being a modern-day DTV vehicle, but it didn't hurt our eyes or anything.
Naturally, the word 'Boyka' is said countless times throughout the movie. We could be in triple digits here, but we weren't counting. Characters say it constantly, and crowds chant it repeatedly. It might be the most oft-said word on screen since Brakus. Or perhaps Malone. But, all kidding aside, Undisputed IV is a movie about redemption, and about how even if you've done unfortunate things in your past, you can always redeem yourself in the eyes of God or your fellow man. It's never too late. Even the name of Alma gives a clue - it means 'soul' in at least two languages, and Boyka himself gives alms to his church. This gives the film a certain depth and dimension that sets it apart from others of its ilk and it's not just a marathon session of meatheads punching each other.
However, if that's what you want, that is here as well. It's truly a movie of multiple facets. Could this be the best Boyka film yet? Please write in to give your opinion. But one thing is for sure: the character of Boyka - as expertly interpreted by Adkins - has become so beloved because he's a fighter with a heart, soul, and conscience. You feel his inner conflict between peace and violence. Somehow this speaks to us as action fans. We don't want to see anybody on-screen - or be ourselves - one-dimensional. He even has his name above the title this time, and that's no coincidence.
So, for a movie with a lot of brutal fighting - but also some depth backing it up - Boyka: Undisputed IV fits the bill perfectly.
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Download mp3 lagu pop indonesia. Want to watch 'Boyka: Undisputed' on your TV, phone, or tablet? Searching for a streaming service to buy, rent, download, or watch the Todor Chapkanov-directed movie via subscription can be a huge pain, so we here at Moviefone want to take the pressure off.
Biggie death pics. Read on for a listing of streaming and cable services - including rental, purchase, and subscription options - along with the availability of 'Boyka: Undisputed' on each platform. Now, before we get into the various whats and wheres of how you can watch 'Boyka: Undisputed' right now, here are some details about the action flick.
Released 2017, 'Boyka: Undisputed' stars Scott Adkins, Teodora Duhovnikova, Alon Aboutboul, Julian Vergov The R movie has a runtime of about 1 hr 26 min, and received a score of (out of 100) on Metacritic, which collated reviews from experienced critics.
Want to know what the movie's about? Here's the plot: 'Boyka (Scott Adkins) accidentally kills an opponent in the ring, forcing him to question everything he's worked for. When he finds out his opponent's widow is in trouble, he becomes her champion in a series of seemingly impossible fights.'
'Boyka: Undisputed' is currently available to rent, purchase, or stream via subscription on, VUDU, and YouTube .

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