
Script For 18th Birthday

  1. What To Do For 18th Birthday Girl

Program samples wedding reception program (optional) i. Introduction of the entourage – the emcee will introduce the wedding. 18th birthday programme (optional) introduction: entrance of the court entourage: a) parents. Welcome remarks by the parents. Sample music for the 18th b-day (debut) dj jun in the mix 2. Sample 18th Birthday Program. ARRIVAL of GUESTS / REGISTRATION Program proper starts: WELCOME GUESTS by the EMCEE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF THE PARENTS and SIBLINGS of the DEBUTANTE GRAND ENTRANCE of the DEBUTANTE OPENING PRAYER (Pls. Assign a Prayer Leader) FATHER and DAUGHTER DANCE as 1st ROSE.

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My son is a computer science major, and his birthday is coming up. I want to create a code themed cake for him. I have studied PowerShell code and created what I think is something correct and fun. However, I'm unsure and was turned on to this site to get help with it. This is what I have .. JularJ is my son's display name for his video games.


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5 Answers

I'm sorry if this is terrible.

Sample script for 18th birthday

It could be much worse ;-)

Two things - make sure you prefix variable names with $, and that you use -eq for equality comparison:

And then separate your commands from their arguments with white space:

Finally, imposing a bit of indentation would make it look more professional:

Mathias R. JessenMathias R. Jessen

Definitely a cool idea for your son! Here is how I would write your code in PowerShell

The -Format parameter is important for the Get-Date function. Otherwise it will always say 'Eat Cake Anyway'.


Here's a fix to your current code so it runs:

Here's a bonus, put this into a .bat or .cmd file and you don't need to worry about executionpolicy stuff:

This is your script encoded in base64 and will execute all the same.

You can validate by running the following in PowerShell:

Script For 18th Birthday

Here's mine, a shorter version without variables:

What To Do For 18th Birthday Girl

Happy Birthday :)

When finished, you simply save it as a PDF again. The more recent 2013 and 2016 versions, however, allow you to open a PDF and then make specific edits to the piece as a Word document. Iskysoft pdf editor 6 pro.


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Determine the number of invitations you send out. Keep in mind that one invitation can potentially yield 5 people in return. A card per family, and you send out 50 invitations, you can have a room of 200 to 300 people.
  • Custom cards are nice, but can get very costly. To thwart costs, you can pick up an invitation kit from your local Target or Walmart in the party supply section. A kit can have 20-40 pairs of both a blank invitation cards and thank you cards and envelopes. To give your invites a more professional touch, purchase some vellum from an arts and crafts store, usually about a dollar depending on the design or texture.
  • If you don't already own one, get a single hole puncher. You will hole punch the invites and the vellum, and tie the two with a ribbon. Ribbon color will be based on your theme and motif. Instead of printing directly on to the card, you will print on to the vellum. Do a test print on ordinary paper before you start cutting your vellum.
  • On the invite include the name of the celebrant, date, venue, your royal court, RSVP, theme if you have one. Some relatives, may live far, so include directions on a separate insert. If you have RSVP cards, include postage on a self-addressed envelope.